Using the TASO tenets of Positive Living to survive COVID -19 lockdwon

During the early days of TASOs development, the founders came up with 17 tenets for Positive Living. Over time, the tenets have been modified especially with the coming of ART. However, we can still further modify a few to suit our current situation. It is Positive Living after all and it applies to all of us regardless of our HIV status. 
  1. Maintain a positive attitude towards yourself and others. Protect your self and others from contracting the disease. We are in this together. 
  2. Do not blame others. There is a lot of stigma being associated with COVID-19. Rather than lynch a person, call the Ministry of Health toll free lines for support.  If you suspect that you came into contact with someone with COVID-19, please contact the Ministry of Health team to support you. If someone alerts them on your behalf, do not blame them but accept to have your sample taken for a confirmatory test. When those who have recovered come back into society, we should not stigmatize them. 
  3. Follow medical advice, seek for medical care as soon as you feel likely symptoms for disease.
  4. Take medicine as regularly as prescribed. Do not share medication with anyone especially drugs for malaria treatment. 
  5. Eat plenty of food which is rich in proteins, vitamins and carbohydrates. Clients  on ARVs and those being treated for Multi-drug resistant tuberculosis should especially pay attention to this. 
  6. Get enough sleep and do not get over tired
  7. Do not smoke or drink alcohol which further lower the body's resistance to disease. Both habits affect the liver which is essential inf fighting infections. That is why drinking alcohol does not protect you from COVID-19
  8. Take exercise to keep fit. Make it gentle so you do not injure yourself. 
  9. Remain hydrated by drinking clean, safe water regularly.
  10.  Continue to keep your mind engaged. Continue to work if possible
  11. Occupy yourself with non-stressful activities like making crafts. Markets for these will open as soon as the country is safe. 
  12. Maintain social distance but try to keep in touch with family and friends via telephone, email, whatsApp and others so that we all know how each is fairing. 
Instead of a TASO hug, we now have a wave of greeting.

#StaySafe #WashHands #Coveryourmouthwhilecoughingandsneezing #


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