TASO partnering with Aidshilfe für Afrika to improve lives of those living with HIV in Soroti District

this partnerhsip, TASO Soroti has received the following
- Provision of ART services and general drugs for 200 clients (out of the 7,504 active clients registered at TASO Soroti) to enable them live a better and healthier life.
- Automated Laboratory equipment worth 40,000 Euros including a machine to count CD4 cells (FACSCalibur machine) ,Chemistry analyzer machine, air conditioning for the Lab and data rooms. Funds are also spent on replacing lab reagents.
- Furnishing of the Child Care Centre
- Sustainable Livelihood programmes for clients such as giving households fruit trees, goats and sheep.
- Facilitation to the implementation of Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV, through nutritional supplementation to both mothers and babies, procurement of delivery kits for expectant mothers. This was initiated in 2010.
2011, Prof. Wolfgang Lenzen from AfA led a national bicycle rally to
raise funds for TASO involving all the TASO Centers. It was also used as an
event for HIV Counseling and Testing, community sensitization and mobilization,
in that people along the highways of the bicycle rally route in over 20
districts received information on HIV and AIDS as well as condoms for both HIV
prevention and Family Planning. A total of 5,769 Euros was raised and the cheque
was handed over to TASO Management in February 2013 in Kampala.
To date TASO has received a total of 288,000 Euros which has greatly
supported the PLHIVs in TASO Soroti to live better and more healthy
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